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tv   Lindsey Graham Remarks in Portsmouth New Hampshire  CSPAN  December 11, 2015 2:07am-3:13am EST

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all the way from wisconsin to see you, you did, will you get a price. [laughter] thank you.
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[inaudible] [inaudible conversation] >> you are a world war ii
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veteran,. >> okay, will that is just as good. [inaudible] [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation]
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[inaudible conversation] >> nice to meet you. >> welcome aboard. >> good to see you. >> why did you go there to get married? >> i married her. i married her there. >> how did you make? >> on a blind date. >> she went to school she went on to get her masters,.
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>> [inaudible conversation] thank you very much. [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation] >> lemon banking. [inaudible]
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[inaudible] merry christmas, happy holidays. >> thank you very much. [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation], one [inaudible conversation]
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[inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation] [applause]. >> your supposed to laugh. i'm two years away from a reverse mortgage eligibility, i
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guess i'm close enough to be in a senior citizen. who has been to south carolina? move, come back, spend money. is peter still here? have a round of applause for peter. [laughter] >> so my first visit as the presidential candidate, john, are you here. john arranges a meeting, & they're talking about the world bonaparte and too much debt, all of a sudden, whack. peter has a heart attack. he is white as that sheet there. i said zero god, i have have killed someone in my first meeting. [laughter] the emts came in, he revived and peter, thank you for not dina my first meeting. i appreciate it. it was the strangest the
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experience in the world. so i had to light up on my speech. now, do you, do you want a speech or a discussion? >> discussion. >> okay you'll get a discussion. number one, we are in a war that we cannot afford to lose, does to lose, does that make sense to you? >> [applause]. who are we fighting? >> radical islam. who could be our best ally in this work? >> yes, muslims. have you ever been to the region? to the mideast? i have been there 36 times over the last decade. what have i learned? it is a religious war that we are going to win over time. why? because very few people are buying what they're fulfilling. doesn't that make you feel good? be very few fathers in my there's want to turn their children over to isil. it's just a matter of time that this gets
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way to history. to the weight of modern thought. the only question is how many people will die between now and the? do you agree the outcome of this were matter sauce? do you agree that the best thing we can do is build up others, not just kill terrace? you have to do two things, you have to kill terrace, because you cannot reconcile with them, but the ultimate solution to this problem is building up others. this would be a hell of a guide. is it true, what i so selling is not true. every muslim, virtually knows it. their religion has been hijacked, so what have i learn? the leeway to keep you safe here is for some of us to go over there and build up others, some that our homeland is not in jeopardy. now, i will talk about donald trump in a minute. because i worry about him being left out of the conversation.
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[laughter] for two years, i have been urging the president to change a strategy. how many people believe that bush made mistakes going into iraq? lindsey graham eight mistakes. obama made mistakes. how do we fix it? it is a religious war. it is not about iraq, it is not about syria, it is not about libya, it is not about a place, it is about an idea. we have to defeat this idea. i have learned one thing, that if you leave them alone, they will not leave you alone. does that make sense to? on september tenth, 2001, how many one, how many soldiers do we have in afghanistan? zero. not one even in the embassy and we got attacked anyway, why?
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donald trump donald trump said yesterday, we have to figure out why people buy these planes into buildings. i know why, they are crazy. they are religious not cease. they want to destroy everything we stand for. the nightmare for isil is the rotary club. the concept of the rotary club, where people of different backgrounds, who compete with each other in the private sector come together to do something about polio, and sell christmas trees. the bottom line is if you do not understand it is a religious war, you cannot win it. how many would like to live in saddam josé hussein's iraq? what about qaddafi's libya? no takers. why would would you want someone else to do what you will not do? there are two things going on in the world at the same time. here's what i have learned from
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36 trips to the region, 140 days on the ground as an air force reservist in iraq and afghanistan. this war is eminently winnable but we have to understand who we are fighting and how we get to victory. to those who wish that saddam were back, you do not understand that people in the region will not accept that anymore for our convenience. the arab spring has been hijacked but it is very real. young women have had it. young men are very frustrated with having their fate determined based on where they are born and what tribe they are in. it started in tunisia, it spread throughout the entire region. there is a demand in the mideast by young people, disenfranchised , and women above all others, for social justice and economic opportunity.
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join them. don't be afraid of them. they are our hope to. to ask a young muslim or arab to go back to live in the dictatorship, where your daughter can be dragged off the street at the son of a dictator like sir, it's not who we are and what we are about. it is a myth, but america has been a myth too. do not be so judgmental. i never went to school with an african-american child until i was in the sixth grade. anybody here who is a baby boomer? can you remember segregated lunch counters? women have not voted 100 years yet and we are well over 200 years old. we had a civil war among ourselves and it started in my
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state. democracy is hard. do not expect the mideast to fall in place in 15 or 20 years. but here is what you can expect, with our help things will change. so here is what i am wanting to tell you. that we can't disassociate ourselves with this struggle for social justice and there is a fight for the heart and soul of islam taking place before our eyes. the christian religion went to a reformation hundreds of years ago. there's a fight now within islam for the heart and soul of religion. take sides. take sides with those who practice their faith will find a place on the planet for you too. after 36 trips, i, i am here to tell you they are all about the
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same. i have lost a lot of good friends in iraq and afghanistan were judges, policemen, lawyers, trying to impose the rule of law is to replace the rule of gun. when they fall, someone else takes their place. i am very hopeful that over the arc of time, radical islam will be defeated. but it will require american leadership until that day comes. after 33 years years in the air force, 140 days on the ground, when i call for more american troops to go back over there, i know exactly what i am asking. i am asking for people to miss holidays, to miss graduations, to miss birthdays, and maybe not come back at all. i would not ask that of the 1%
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who defend us if i did not believe it was necessary. we left iraq too soon. i just came back from my 36th trip, we need about 10,000 u.s. thousand u.s. forces in iraq, not 3400. that will accelerate the demise of isil inside iraq. syria is literally how on earth. there are no good choices left. here is what i promise you, if we do not fight them over there, we will be fighting them here. does that make sense to? they are large, they are rich, they are entrenched. are entrenched. another 911 is being planned as we speak. i know who is planning it, and i know where they are at. they are in are in iraq and syria. they wake up everyday trying to think of ways to hit us here. the paris attack was a beyond my understanding in terms of
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sophistication. i did did not believe that they were this sophisticated. they hold territory the land the size of india, 6 million people are under their control. this caliphate has got to come to an end. you can never have a stable mideast, or peace at home, until we take the land away from isil. that is going to require ground forces. the good news for you, this time around if i am your president, the arabs are going to do most of the fighting. the difference between now and in the past is that every arab leader knows what is coming their way if isil continues to grow. they never believe saddam would take the country over and cut their heads off, he was their crazy cousin. cousin. they do believe that isil, over time will try to destroy their societies. they are ready to fight back.
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they will not fight without us, they cannot win without us. there are two threats the president has acknowledged that i agree with. i felt needs to be graded and destroyed, that is the right goal, and how side needs to go. assad is a puppet of iran. the arab world is not going to give damascus to iranian. the iranian ayatollah is more of a threat to you over time than isil. this iranian regime is a bunch of religious nazis and the iranian people are pretty decent folks. how many of you believe that i toll is trying to build a nuclear weapon not a power plant? if you think he he is building a powerplant you should not be allowed to drive home. how many people people think he would use it if you had a? don't you think we should do something about it then? the worst possible scenario is to give him more money and more weapons without changing his behavior.
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this deal with iran is a nightmare for you and your kids. it is a death sentence to israel. i do not want a war with iran but i'm not going to give the island toll a hundred billion dollars in money until he changes. i'm not going to let him buy new weapons to hurt our country and destabilize the mideast until he changes. i'm sure not going to give him a pathway to a bomb within 15 years, even if he does not cheat. to those who want to manage this deal, you do not understand this deal. this is the biggest mistake since world war ii. miscalculating who is on the other side of the table and what they actually want. since we signed the deal, they testfired two missiles in violation of un sanctions. do you think think they are trying to send iranians to space? they have put troops on the ground and syria to destabilize the region and they put another american in jail. this is not the change i am hoping for.
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so here's the discussion, what to do. the last thing you want to do is what trump is proposing. the last thing you want to do is to declare war on all muslims. [applause]. donald trump is putting our soldiers and diplomats in jeopardy. isil sells to those on the fence that the infidels in america hate you and your religion. he is trying to make it safer in a bizarre kind of way. if he understood anything about this war he would know that he is putting us all at risk. i am looking for partners,
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aren't you? the good news, there are a lot of him. the king of jordan king of jordan is our last best friend in the region. saudi arabia and egypt are ready to fight, but how could you negotiate a regional army with american component when you have just declared that muslims cannot come to our country simply because of their faith? you have undercut the essential ingredients to winning the war. what makes america great? that is the discussion we need to have. tolerance. the ability to pick your own leaders. to speak up and have a say. for a young woman to have a say about the future of her children. for you to go to your church, and for me to go to my mosque.
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or not practice religion at all. that is our strength. that is truly what makes us great. when we, as a nation, lose our way as we have in the past, we always regret it. they are going to like the history of these times, i'm a little short drive from south carolina at 1%. i do not need a poll to tell me what to do or say. when they write the history of these times, i hope it will be said about the senior senator from south carolina, of, of all places, that he actually understood the war and how to win it. when my time to speak out came, i did. any republicans here? [laughter] lindsey graham. [laughter] any independence?
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who might vote in the republican primary? lindsey graham. to my fellow republicans, i love my party to the point that i want to speak out when i think it is being harmed. i come from the reddest of red states. i have been working a comprehensive immigration reform for a decade. i am called lindsey graham -- because i dared to reach across the aisle to find a solution to immigration that is completely broken. i reject the idea of deporting 11,000,000 illegal immigrants because it is not practical and we should not go down that road. i do want to dip port balance and lawbreakers. as to the rest, you can say on
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our terms. learn our language, pay a fine for the law you broke, get in the back of the line and not cut inches there is a solution on immigration. don't you agree that republicans have to work with democrats to save america? [applause]. so what mr. trump is doing is making it virtually impossible for our party to grow. we are a diverse nation, that is truly what makes america great. what mr. trump is telling us to do is the oldest card in the deck. most illegal immigrants are rapists and drug dealers, to those who nod their head, you are wrong. they are not. some are bad, most are good. to those who want to monitor
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mosques and follow people around based on their faith, has gotten the best of you, have you forgotten what being american is all about? mr. trump is threatening to leave the party if he is not treated fairly, guess who determines whether not he gets treated fairly? here is my retort. quit threatening us. i would rather lose without him and try on trent then try to win with him if he continues to do what he is doing. there's no shame in losing an election, the shame comes when you lose your honor. i am not defined by the office i hold, i am office by the man that my parents hoped i would
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become. our party is not going to be defined by this election, it will be defined about how we conducted ourselves in this election. ted cruz's says the only reason we lose is because people like john mccain, bob dole, and mitt romney. mitt romney. that if we had a real conservative, 50,000,000 evangelicals would get off the couch and go vote. if you are on the couch after the last two elections for brock obama, i doubt if you will ever get off the couch. [laughter] how do you win if you do not know why you are losing? you know why i think republicans are losing? we are in a demographic deaths by role with the fastest-growing demographic in america. hispanics.
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since 2006 some people in our party have been very harsh on the immigration issue. hispanics do not believe we like them. they should be our voters. if you wonder why hispanics are leaving the republican party, how about asking them. they will tell you that the way you react on immigration makes me believe it is about my last name. here's the rate life is in america, 20 years ago a young man and a young woman came here with one child, they had to. they were working hard at jobs that you cannot find workers for here in america. living in the shadows, those two children are american citizens. when they hear republicans say that most illegal immigrants are drug dealers and rapists, the two youngest ones know that you
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are talking about their family. one of the young ones has been in the marines fighting for you. when he comes back home and he hears, hey where's mom? she's walking back to mexico. you have lost that young marine. would you vote for a party that is going to deport your mother? having said that, there are people here that should go. we will take some questions now. i have never been more hopeful about the future of the republican party than i am now because brock obama has done more to help us then we have done to help ourselves. the only way we lose this election is if we get in the way. nominate someone who does not understand what makes america great. he has a hat that says let's make america great again. we are great, the problem with
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mr. trump, and i think senator cruise, is they do not understand what makes us great. conservatism will sell to anybody because it is a good philosophy in these difficult times. but, no one is going to buy what you are selling if they think you don't like them. if they think you do not understand what makes us different as a nation. i'm the first of my family to ever go to college. neither neither one of my parents ever finished high school. my dad and mom owned a liquor store, a bar, and a pool room, that's why i would be a good president for you. [laughter] i lived in the back of a butcher store until i was in high school. with my mom, my dad, my nine-year younger sister, never had a bathtub or shower.
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we took a bath and ate metal wash tub i turned out fine. i ran the pool room when i was old enough. i saw my mom and i get up every day and to work whether they felt like it or not. they they gave me the one thing that is essential to success. unconditional love from a parent to a child. we lived in one room but it could've been a mansion for all i care. i never felt more loved and more safe than i did in that one room. when i was 21, one, my mom was diagnosed with hodgkin's disease. we got financial because we are underinsured. she passed. and we are financially devastated and emotionally heartbroken. fifteen months while later, my dad died. i'm 22. at the university of south carolina, first in my family to go to college and my life came
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crashing down. i moved in within an uncle who never worked. never made over $25000 in their life they help me. if it was not for social fiber security benefits we cannot have paid the bills. if it were not for my family, my friends, my faith, i would not be standing here today. to the republicans in the crowd, there is a place for the government it just has to be sustained. most of us are one car wreck away i know i would be the best commander-in-chief because i busted my butt to understand what the job is all about. if i
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i didn't not make it, i do not make it. but i'm not going to change what i think we need to do to win a war, i'm going to embrace the values of this party. i don't know if living in the back of a liquor so, i do know this. i don't know if you can go to the white house but i know above all else, what makes america great. thank you very much. [applause]. [inaudible]
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[inaudible] [inaudible] >> how many you think that this marriage between these two folks in california it may not have been online? i'm worried this could be the actual first terrorist arranged marriage. i have been very open minded about immigration reform, but i'm not stupid. after pears, if we do not revisit our vetting process we would be grazing. after california, if you if you do not look at the k-1 visa system thinking that maybe tears can exploit the system, you would be crazy. you know it be the dumbest of all question marks to say no muslim can come to america because if you want to win the war, yet sit down with muslims.
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how to go to the king of jordan say let's work together? how to go to egypt's and i want to use your army but by the way, none of your soldiers can come over here to visit. how do you go to georgian, lebanon, any of these countries and build a coalition when your policy is that simply because you are muslim you cannot come to america. it is one thing to reform visas, it make sense to me. one thing about searing refugees but know what makes no sense to me to go down the road that all muslims are enemies. that that is a row that you never win the war. there's a difference between what is been done in the past and what we are doing today. i'm a practical guy. i am hard on winning this war. two years ago i was gone for troops on the ground and me and john mccain are nothing but warmongers. i never wanted 100,000 troops but if we don't send some of our soldiers to help our regional arab army, they could lose. there is no way to destroy isil without american boots on the
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ground in iraq and syria. there's no way to defend this nation without a partnership with muslims. and what donald trump is saying about muslims is hurting us. it is people putting our people at risk. i will reform visas systems but i will never, under any circumstance do it donald trump has done because if he had half a brain about this war, he would understand he has made isil stronger, not weaker. >> [applause]. i want to thank you for your service in the military and in congress. we have an indian-american governor black senator, i respect. >> and i'm the most novel of the mall actually. [laughter] >> i do not disagree with anything you are saying about the middle east at all. as a want to know about this country, what are you going to do about healthcare?
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there are so many things i don't like about what i see now. i would like to call obama care a hospital, insurance company bailout. >> gray questioned he what kind of practice to have? >> okay, will i need you. >> on behalf of a lot of us we want to keep you in business. we will talk about healthcare but the biggest a mystic that we face is what? that. can i talk about debt than healthcare? what drives the debt? over time, what is is the biggest driver of the debt? you get a free whatever, a free christmas tree.
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anybody here boyne from 1946 until 1964? anybody born after 1964? good luck, you you are all going to need it. i been born right in the middle that you have to pay for. here's what i would do as president. i call the chairman of the joint sheep and say what you need that you don't have? i would build the bigger navy. we need 350 ships not to 75. fourteen aircraft carriers not 11. we need to rebuild the army to 500,000 versus 420. but if you are in debt you cannot do anything. here's the problem. 80,000,000 of us are going to retire in the next 25 years. we are going to want our social security checks and medicare bills paid. we want you to pay. guess what? we are 70 chilling dollars short
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to keep medicare and social security afloat. more people retiring that we had ever seen in history, they live longer and you're down to how many workers were every time we? too. tell me. tell me how to people can keep this ship afloat. you just raise your hand, it's your children. in 1950 there were 16 workers for every retiree. today there is three and in 20 years there's two. people like me. i'm not married and i don't have kids, and screwing it up for everybody else. there's two ways to deal with it. strong thurman had four kids after you 67, any volunteers? [applause]. if you volunteer, you should be in the optimist club not the rotary club. [laughter] 's of you do not think you can do that, we better come up with immigration to supplement the climbing workforce. the request two things, to do something like sense and bolts.
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it's a bipartisan plan where republicans have to eliminate some deductions and credits in the tax code that we all enjoyed to pay down debt. we have to make some sacrifices, we have to tell people on the right, no. democrats have to agree to adjust the age of retirement, like ronald reagan and tip o'neill did or we are all dead as a nation. people in my income level that make a hundred 75000 a year we have to take a little less and pay little more. i should not get a subsidy when it comes to medicare part d. most anyone pays us hundred 70 dollars. when she want bill gates to pay the full price? he would too. i have a military retirement, the congressional retirement, i make a hundred 75,000 a year, i year, i am rich by any definition except trumps. i would give up some of my social security benefits. i would take a smaller cola, i
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would pay more to medicare to keep the system of flow. if you ask younger people to work longer and people at my income level to take less and pay more in, then we can get the baby boomers through the system. if you don't, were dead. by 2040, all the money you see in taxes go to pay medicare, medicaid, social security, and interest on the debt. with 80 million retirees. what would i do about healthcare ? i would keep two things about obama care. keep your kids on your policy until their 26 is a good idea. the american dream used to be to on your own home right? now it's getting your kids out of your house. the second thing i would do as i would never let you to be denied coverage because you had been sick before. i have been there. cannot be denied coverage for pre-existing illness. i built a new system. new system. this is not about 30 million people uninsured. obama care is about destroying the private sector to get everyone under they govern meant
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umbrella. if you work 40 hours a week your cover, 30 hours you're not. if you have -- this is about consolidating healthcare. i would let you buy a policy in california even if you lived in new hampshire. if you're medicaid, he ran to the emergency room too much you would have to pay a copayment. if he smoked you're going to pay more. i'd have a medical malpractice reform to the cost of doing business. i'd open up healthcare to competition. i would have would have a safety never all of us. and i'm not going down the european socialist wrote in the name of caring for people. if you care for people you're not going to do what were about to do to them. if your democrat you want to make sure people are taking care of, save medicare and social security. if you're republican, i want to
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have an economy to grow, deal with the debt. if you're an ideologue, don't run for president. you know what reagan and o'neill did? they sat down and got to know each other. they had a drink. if i get to be president were going to open up a bar in the white house, were going to get liquored up and solve problems. [applause]. [inaudible] would you be the first presidential candidate to take a stand and say you will not support donald trump if he becomes the nominee for president. >> that's a good question. i have called him every name i know to call him. from xena phobic, religious
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bigot, i'm running out of adjectives. i am running as a republican. do i want to buy it ticket on the titanic? no. do i believe that donald trump will get his clock cleaned by hillary clinton? yes. i believe that hispanics are mad at donald trump, without any doubt. do i believe he read represents the worst in america not the best? yes. here's what bob dole said. i'm trying to be a good republican but even a better american. you know white donald trump is not going to be our nominee? is not republican. here's what bob dole said. if he wins, i am likely to oversleep. [laughter] good question. one last question mark speemac,
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and people are optimistic about america? you have every reason to be. i'm going to close this thing out. is it true, that should be the first test of any policy. are you going to depart 11,000,000 immigrants and immigrants and their american citizens and children? no. is it fair to all concerned, is it fair to american muslims to denigrate their faith for 3500 were silk serving in the military quest marks no. will it build better friendships? no. will it be beneficial to all concerns? no. please understand this. they are young men and women in the mideast who want exactly what you want. they will be culturally different but they want a better life. they want to raise their kids and have a say as a mother about
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what happens to their kids. they are not radicals lammas. that is such a small string in this great religion. there are people demanding a better way of life, you know who they want to be like more than anybody else? you. us. not isil. america is the greatest idea on the planet. that is what we are, an idea, not a race or religion. we do not represent a religion, we do not represent a race, we represent an idea. that out of many can come one. that one is best represented by the soldier.
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the fbi agent, and the diplomats, who leave the comforts of their home, the safety of their families, to protect everybody else in this room. so let's dedicate this election to them. let's dedicate this election and the way we conduct ourselves to those who we ask you to risk our lives. if we remember what they need, then we will get this right. god bless you all. [applause]. >> senator think very much. at least one of your next votes, i i wager comes out of this bucket.
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for $82 and a chance of a bonus of $150,. >> after the irs and state and federal taxes, you will only ten bucks. >> i'm a baptist, what does that mean? that i gamble in my about it. [laughter] so the winner is, please do not be a trump supporter. 223889. you have to be present when i take it. >> 223-3889. i'm sorry. oh thank you. i am looking for donations by the way. if you are to give money to politics, join my campaign. [laughter]
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i'm sorry it is not a match. it's $82, congratulations. >> folks, thank thank you very much. have a good weekend. >> [inaudible conversation] [inaudible] [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation]
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[inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation] [inaudible conversation]
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[inaudible conversations] >> i wish more people would get to see you at this level. >> well, we are going to try. >> i think that donald trump's policy grows old to ban all travel in the united states is counterproductive and it's literally the worst possible idea that an american political
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leader could come up with. it makes us feel that it's impossible to destroy isis. how do you go to the king of jordan and other people in the region and put together an army to destroy them over the region, with you as president of the united states is saying no muslim is welcome in our country. so president obama strategy, the only thing worse than his policies is donald trump's policies. [inaudible] >> do you think that the other candidates are doing enough? >> this is not about a policy so much as it is about a test of character. the heart and soul of the republican party is at stake. i have been to iraq and afghanistan 36 times. what you would doing is buying
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into a narrative making it almost impossible to win the war. donald trump is not strong, he is a bully and a cartoon or comic he is threatening to leave the party if they don't treat him fairly. if you cannot take it, leave. do not let the door hit you on the way out. if you cannot handle this engagement, how would you deal with russia and the other bad apples in the world. so a strawman is threatening to take this and be a playground bully. i'm going to take my ball and go home. well, let me tell you if you think that this is hard, you don't know anything yet because it's going to get harder. >> do think that it's fair that other candidates condemn him and then. [inaudible] >> i don't think that's true. the party in south carolina was
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rose to the occasion and most have done a pretty good job. not at all, you have to say what is making america great. and i think that the fact that we accept people from all over the world and respect their religious views, at the end of the day, that is what i want ted cruz to say, not that i disagree with his policies but i disagree with the concept. what makes america great is our tolerance and our respect for each other. is and what donald trump is doing is playing the oldest game in the book, demagogue them to get ahead in the moment and this is going to be the end of the republican party if we don't fight back. and donald trump is killing us with hispanic aggression. you know, i'm not going to buy into the idea that this is all
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muslims are radical islamists. the donald trump is having an image of being the anti-obama. but it's a cartoon kind of strong ice. the policy proposal itself is an absolute disaster. i worry about our allies not be able to work with us, i worry about our soldiers and diplomats. from a policy perspective it plays well because people are afraid, but it's an absolute national security disaster. so i'm going to be optimistic that the republican party can assume that people agree with him because it makes them feel safer but in fact it does not. you cannot win this war without the muslims helping you. in the way that the victory is, the former alliance between the 90% who reject radical islam in a fashion that will allow us to destroy the ideology over time. [inaudible question] sumac you know, you can run your country anyway that you would
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like. he started this stuff. to him over, don't hide from it, is a set period don't deny him access to your country, just condemn what he is saying. this is where this whole thing started. this idea of turning your own destiny. >> what you want to say to him? >> you have no idea what makes america great. [inaudible] >> if he continues to do what he does, there will be a generation before we can overcome this, maybe never. i'm afraid of that we are afraid of him leaving. do not worry about.
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[inaudible] if you actually do what is best for the country, you will win. what is best for america is to never condemn a religion. that's what makes us great. tell donald trump say you're wrong. do not be afraid of him losing an election. i am not afraid of losing an election, i'm afraid of losing our soul. and on foreign policy he's worse than barack obama. he has now declared war, which is the key to victory. and so from a foreign policy point of view, he is an absolute disaster.
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it's better that a than a republican win the nomination and not donald trump. the best alternative is to nominate someone with half a brain on foreign policy. someone that is a good and decent person. if you want foreign policy change, the only way that we lose is to have an alternative to hillary clinton that is mean and hateful and illogical. how do you grow the party with donald trump saying that most illegal immigrants are rapists and drug lords. we are losing because we are driving people away. young people. and so if you just nominate a normal, everyday conservative republican who understands what this war is all about, you will
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beat hillary clinton because she represents something that people are tired of. but the one thing that america will not embrace, what donald trump has to offer doesn't make us great again. it makes us weaker than we actually already are.
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resource committee is two hours. >> before we begin, i would like to introduce a former colleague, at a former chairman of the energy committee. as a longtime friend of mine, my father, frank murkowski. who has placed a keen interest in trying to understand the role , anden oil and terrorism
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the connect there. it happens he is in town today. we did not do the hearing because of him, but the timing worked out. it is nice to have him before the committee. more than half of global oil production occurs in regions of the world in the middle east, africa, venezuela, they are subject to instability of various kinds including civil war and terrorism. while production in certain countries such as iraq, syria, libya, yemen, and sudan has been knocked off-line due to terrorism and violence. the indisputable fact we are dealing with is that north american barrels have largely displaced or largely replaced and disrupted production so far. in tandem with imaginations that opec, the global oil supply is saturated, and may be for some time. we also know that iran, one of the original and most deadly state sponsors of terrorism will soon be rejoining the global oil market.


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